
Dallas Cowboys hats-BBQ King Day barbecue insider revealed how the scent of meat deterioration

Wang made barbecue for over ten years, from the open to have their own barbecue grill, has been called

Ligament, is hydrogen peroxide bubble

industrial raw materials buy herve leger, medical materials and other raw materials as a barbecue. Real eggs is eggs and wool processing starch and pigment made. For Ligament and heart tube easily broken, and good taste, the operator will be live before use alkali and hydrogen peroxide cook.

Sewers Dallas Cowboys hats, mosquito breeding, raw meat covered with maggots and so on are not surprising.

bad meat, is variable,

to make bad beef or pork with lamb flavor Tampa Bay Rays hats, some operators will open barbecue beef or pork with the chopped suet and some spices soak. What is more, in order to

on the tender of. Then add more seasoning, after a barbecue charcoal, even rotten meat can evaporate out of the so-called

However, health enforcement staff told reporters that excessive consumption of meat tenderizer powder can cause nitrate poisoning, nitrite, and there are fetal abnormalities and in vivo binding of amines may be carcinogenic. In addition, skewers baking time is short, less than core temperature to kill bacteria, temperature, endogenous skewers cooked outside after eating susceptible to brucellosis, mainly fever, accompanied by joint, muscle pain, body weakness, sweating.

skewer, is repeated with the

open-air barbecue operators do not have a dedicated system, place skewers, skewers are in their own system or side of the road so simple place. Meat skewer through re-use is, at most, with its own tap water to dampen, not sterilization process, and some do not even wash wash, I do not know how many bacteria skewer with so repeatedly.

health certificate, is never once got the

not seen which open-air barbecue Regardless of whether they have the disease, as long as make money, which also control whether the disease will spread to others.

no morality heart. to see his people to eat barbecue stalls, really worried.


