
herve leger 2011-Nursing qualification exam answers 2011 ( Professional Practice )

2011 Nurses Examination answer (Professional Practice)
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A heart's own blood (aorta) 2 against tuberculosis (BCG) 3 preferred measurement pulse (radial artery) 4 were the most important information (patient I) 5 gluteus maximus injection (connection on the outside 1) 6 the following foreign language abbreviation ( Every morning one) 7 written ward (discharged patients) 8 ruddy congestion pressure sores (local skin irritation) 9 patients with hyperthyroidism should not be (iodine things) the development of 10 obsessive-compulsive disorder (adolescent) 11 Chinese Five Elements theory (Five Elements ) 12 for body care (to prevent facial bruising discoloration) 13 treatment of tetanus patients (in and free toxin) 14 with acute renal failure patients (penicillin) 15 in the condition observed in (look and smell) 16 nurses in the nursing (maintaining the patient's interests) 17 nurses in the implementation (as needed) 18 prohibit the consumption of meat (occult blood test) 19 led to left ventricular pressure (aortic valve) 20 severe liver disease (vitamin K) 21 malnourished children (abdomen) 22 pneumonia patients (high-fat ) 23 patients with anxiety disorders (to help patients recognize symptoms) 24 bacterial liver abscess (portal vein) 25 include B infection (HPAI) 26 through a diuretic effect (H) 27, under normal circumstances (bicarbonate ) 28 thrombotic occlusion (leg in) 29 following a self-regulation (du room knot) 30 clinical effort (increased cardiac) 31 lubricating the integrity of the alveolar wall myocardial .32 .33 .34 Hongmei Su H. pylori 38. cause coronary heart disease is the main reason (Crown strong artery stenosis) 39 contraceptive methods (40 natural contraception before anesthesia (to maintain smooth breathing, inhibition of the vagus nerve 40 before anesthesia (to maintain smooth breathing, inhibition of the vagus nerve 41 the source of chronic lung (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, 44 were female, 40 years old (46 to maintain the thyroid cell damage next line outside the (NA +) 47 time of TB in children, up to what type of election (primary binding) 48 tremor palsy gait characteristics of patients selected (festination) 49 nutritional iron deficiency (iron intake of 50 male patients aged less than 50 (theophylline) for 51 male patients with tuberculous meningitis (on the legs straight and lower leg slightly bent) 52 female patients , 28 years old, married for 2 years (violations of patient privacy) 53 female patients 81. life can not take care of themselves (to promote blood circulation) 54 were female, 20 years old (slow infusion rate) 55 were female, 28 years old (guidance cooperative)) 56 sterile length of 16 cm (8 cm) 57 male, eight years old, accidentally drowning (clear the nose and mouth secretions and foreign bodies) 58 were male, 65 years (defer dispensing) 59 male patients herve leger 2011, due to Premature hospital (PPD test was negative and then inoculated) 60 were female, 65 years old (shuttle terminology) 61 were female, 32 years old (seaweed) 62 female patients herve leger strapless, for blood pressure (fixed hand measurement) 63 male children 5 years old (heating conditions) 64 were female, 42 years old (listen to the talk and give comfort) 65 were male, 25 years old (66 were male herve leger shop, 54 years old (preoperative health guidance) 67 were male, 35 years old (83 drops) in the circuit during the 68 nurses ( infusion tube for leakage) 69 nurses facial expressions (smiling face pain patients should be) 70 maternal smooth production (inhibition of bacterial growth) 71 nurses Jiamou (72 registered nurses to change male patient, 22 years old (73 patients in the plasma colloid examination in (should wear masks when they go out 74 38-year-old male patient (75 patients in the supine male concave. 40 years old (150U 76 patients hit by a car (morphine 77 full-term newborns (55 male patients with an objective description 78 years old. (patient 79 the wife of a cancer patient (for example to vigorously promote the patients were male and 52 80 years (period of 81 pregnant 26-year-old denied,. (Ministry of house capacity to do to prepare 82 children 3 years old (oxygen pillow 83 male patients 45 years old, upper respiratory infection (intravenous infusion technology church family 84 were female, 30 years old. postnatal 35 days (half-lying position to take 85 to 68 years old male patient, constipation 5 days (39-4186 full-term children, four days after birth (postnatal one week during the 87 care in the tour (the puncture site observation of 88 female patients, 56 years old with diabetes (rotten apple 89 According to China (Blood Donation Law) provides that, (the same type of blood transfusion 90 were female, 58 years old (0--4091 male patients, while oral administration (cough syrup 92 female patients 50 years of age. (early blood transfusion from a blood bank to cancel 55-year-old male patient 93 (ethanol solution of 94 male patients, the right lower extremity open fractures (covered by the longitudinal fold 95 acute organophosphate poisoning (dry mouth 96 children 6 months (with interest of 97 for children 10 years of age throughput (oral symptoms and 98 were male, 58 years old (short pulse of 99 male patients 38 years of age (100 children with care and responsibility, 2 years (101 infants from the beginning a close imitation of interesting (October-November 102 56-year-old male patient (103 patients with bladder irrigation given 30-year-old female (please leave the rescue site Thank you to 104 female patients 25 years old (10% methanol and 105 male patients 68 years (before moving on to be a fixed-bed 106 36-year-old female patient (107 patients who take the initiative to introduce 28-year-old male (15 - 20 minutes 10 865-year-old female (row injection. 109 50-year-old male patient (110 patients with bilirubin levels improve male, 48 years old (available treatment 111 Effect of chronic respiratory failure (respiratory center, 112 male patients 70 years old (you may be cancerous because of gastritis oven until you find a young woman phenytoin 113 and Maca (not before cure cancer in sputum for children 8 years old 114 (Introduction observe the condition of 115 female patients (patient role behavior conflicts 116C0, 2 克 distributed to three (the event is 117 ward nurse (not a medical malpractice measures 118 (119 patients with strict control of access is the most important nursing problems (skin 120 in damage to the integrity of nursing is the right (after the record drops in patients with sterile 121 pairs of care measures (patients should be advised to perform. 122 replacement nurses to focus on blood contamination (hand skin intact. or without gloves after blood sampling syringe 123 (124 disfigurement streptomycin (125 vertigo treatment of sputum (burned 126 missionaries focus on (the current should stay in bed 127CT nurses must first check (the arrangement to send with the flat car to the 128 nurses, patients should immediately complete measures (to maintain 129 patients with oral lesions of the left lateral position causes (fungal infection of 130 is the most appropriate mouthwash (1 - 4 131 carbonate oral care for the patient, the operation error (from the inside out 132 nurses in the care of children in the process, (for children and mothers accompanying health

