
miley cyrus herve leger-This represents the unspoken rules of success in China


why some people, some people are poor, even though you're smart, knowledgeable, hard work, but some were far better than you, or even to send very human character do with how and why he succeeded, but you failed ?
and people, in fact, from the moment of birth Lacao began inequality.
This is destiny. Doomed fate, ordinary people and they will not take off in a platform or starting line. Such as the elite of the children, you may work than he, than he has talent, he was outstanding products than the perpetrator, but you work a lifetime, maybe you never hold a candle after the elite who is immune. Do not believe you look at many of today's elite, they reap the opportune reap all the resources, and they are compared to you a lifetime herve leger gold dress, the end result, it was your donkey or on foot, to catch up by a car or shuttle them how you can run but they go.
So, today we talk about, but those civilians on the children of the same starting line, they need to have the same starting line on the unspoken rules.

in this world, you will see that many talented Their adequacy, learning-rich five cars, and even has the ability to heaven into the earth, but why impoverished eventually ended in failure, nothing of the end? What many are not able to talented people who went, too proud? Are two shoulder carrying a head, ruined our lives Why so different?

reason, in some ways, it knows the score, you can also decide the fate of a person's life!

Almost all successful cattle people, without exception, understand this. They read the social and interpersonal nature of the unspoken rules, know what each other needs to know each other's mind in thinking - in order to catch fish, we should like to think like a fish! You can almost see him run around hard work, but quietly, he had already achieved their goals in life. Their success password? Actually very simple, ways of words only!

students easy, living is easy, life is not easy. Everyone must face fierce competition! Because do not know the score, the history of many famous hero who helped, and finally ended in failure is the fate of Heaven - they do not fall under the sword of the enemy, but unjustly at the hands of their own people. Cross the blood spilled, brains coating, the world's nowhere to sell regret it. Even if there have been too late to regret. Their brilliant life, so miserably.
Chu Laihun difficult, a good mix even more difficult. Believe it will be down and out, nothing. Not a cause, even if you Caigaobadou, educated car, will not have success!
Chinese people too much, too much pressure to survive, in order to have success, we must allow ourselves to understand that Indeed, life is like a game, do not understand the rules of the game will eventually die ugly, and skillful use of rules of the game people can enjoy yourself in the game, have fun, play out what you want everything!
There is no eternal friends nor eternal enemies, only permanent interests. In fact, the nature of human interaction is an exchange of interests. If you do not understand the principle of exchange of interests, even if the talent can only become a stunning useless paper!

1, never look down on those who now looks very vulgar. Years later, they are perhaps the most impressive person.

2, did not eat too exposed edge - this is over and fallen down the blood and brains of our ancestors who wrote with advice! Any big business people should practice good When wisdom is wisdom, when ignorance is ignorance. If necessary, install or even install a

3, fortune-teller's stall on the bridge the old man, just get the beard will be able to impersonate the master, who looks like a very shrewd to fool people. Why can succeed in it? Human nature dictates good fortune.
4, with the unfounded hopes on others, as their own to work hard, earn their own lunch!

5, the face of those quiet, joy, anger, without form or color, we need to speak and act very carefully, not eager to expose their cards to him. The subtlety of these people are often very deep, calculating more, if you speak and act less consideration, he easily grasp the handle, use your turn!

6, among relatives and friends were largely limited to the same trouble, but can not share the blessing. Between employers and employees, are mostly only with good fortune, but not fair-weather.

7, is not afraid of smart people, afraid too smart. Smart one will be blind too far, will arrogant, bragging will be, carried away, this time appears to be very intelligent person actually has a fool is equal to half!
8, a beautiful woman to show off their beauty, we began to get ugly. A wise man to show off their smart, you start to get stupid! A talented person cheap herve leger bandage dresses, when showing off his talents, it became worthless!

9, 10% if the profit is reasonable, you can get 11% of the original, but still get 9% for the best, because the only way to have follow-up of the business flow freely.

10, the highest out of the emotional investment in skills is timely, not icing on the cake.

11, no matter how ugly the other, then we have to finish the other side and listen to what he would like to express in the end.

12, God is always love those who silence and forbear. Young people to see the scenery, we do not have to envy jealousy. As long as sustained efforts to work actively seriously man, everyone will usher in their own success!

13, want to catch a live fish, we must think like a fish do. No matter how much you personally like strawberries, fish, and will not ignore it; only to their favorite fish, earthworms as bait, it will be hooked.

14, a Shien Hui people in person, do not miss this heart, and do not let others praise publicity out, even if it is a bucket of grain to pay can also be Wan fight in return. A property to help others, and always ask others to return him, even if paid million ounces of gold, it is difficult to have a penny of merit.

15, there is such a classic formula: the desire - power = pain level. When the desire is far more than strength, in any case can not be achieved, is a most painful time, it is easy to extremes.

16, pocketed a good thing not a person, at the narrow path, to stay one step and the People's Bank; taste of thick, cut one-third of people try. This is the inexperienced one Bliss method. A casual choice, it was decided one's life. Understand this truth, you will underestimate the need to share it? You know, not all things are quitting brave victory, at the right time to know how to share, so that everyone can get benefit, the last one will wear the winner's crown!

17, coexistence between people, often are not multiple-choice - have you not him, but a number of options can be a win-win. Some people do not understand, they only know break the death, not that I live you die. The struggle for fame and severely beaten, die example, we often played around. Such people did not always realized that, if necessary, to step in, but give their own greater good. There is a saying: Understand the distribution of benefits, in fact, a thorough understanding of the nature of human nature, social truth.

18, to stay one step so that one-third, leaving a way out not only to others but also to broaden the wonderful resources of interpersonal strategy. You let him step today, and tomorrow he will pay you two steps, equal to pay a good friend in the community to open a door to success. If you do not understand the principle of equal opportunity, all benefits are pocketed their own, even if only stunning talent is useless paper! If the study points to share doctrine, good benefits to everyone, get everyone's mental balance, so I am sure you will work together to help you smooth and successful. Almost all successful Of them are spending billions of dollars to get people to follow their own benefits, thus dead, fire and water. Even the most astute business persons who are also pursuing the idea. For example, a large project, obviously they have the ability to undertake, we must pull together with development partners, in order to show their people.

19, exposed edge too easy to not eat - this is over and fallen down the blood and brains of our ancestors who wrote with advice! Unfortunately, many people just do not understand this. They consider themselves extremely intelligent, capable, to see who is rubbish, only that he is a flower, nothing looked down. This most likely did not eat, or even lose their lives for this.
20, talent is fundamental to the success of a person, a talented person to get a lot of performance opportunities, an incompetent person, even if not assertive to express themselves likely to succeed. But a person who is too talented to show off themselves, to suppress the performance space of others, harm the interests of others, it will inevitably lead to the same people hate. If developed to this point, his future and career is very dangerous, at any time to be voted out!
In this world, but was excluded talented people everywhere. Their talent in hand, like having one handed Sword, everyone should brag about it, get in the hands of four waving, some fear that other people do not know what he was stunning, silly adults who want their own tree to play live target. They see themselves at the foot of the fire pit, and thus unwittingly fell into.

talent like a double-edged sword that can hurt other people, will hurt myself, so it should be used cautiously, usually should be inserted in the scabbard. In many cases, too exposed edge will lead to resentment and trap the villain. Any big business who should practice Hung Ying-ming in the When wisdom is wisdom, when ignorance is ignorance, ignorance is also an intellectual. If necessary, install an installed

When a person suffered a setback, may complain cry - I have so much talent, why have ended in failure impoverished, nothing in the end? Heaven is really unfair! Heaven is really unfair to you? No, he do not understand the basic ways of the world's sake. All this is of his own making. When he faced defeat in life, should self-reflect on it? It went too far? Are arrogant, too highlight their own, ignoring the feelings of everyone? Since that is highly intelligent, others are stupid? If such a person reflect on something, you can find the problem, then symptomatic treatment, such as epiphany after the crystal, there is a real mature!

open One reason is that the villain is too treacherous cruelty, on the other hand is it not because the victims do not know Yu Yun Chu possession of intelligence? They thunder too unassuming, too talented talent, while defiant, not looked down on the side of his colleagues, such a person does not lose his head strange.

the Western world there is a saying: In interpersonal relationships, we must not try to be smart, really smart to learn - I do not know music should not only know how to stretch; only know how to retreat into the unknown; only know how to self-expression, I wonder if keeping a low profile. In this case, we even adequacy, are still empty-handed!

21, walking in the community, each of us must master the secrets of this low-key man forbear. More thoughtful, less hard-edged, do not put the belly of the If you do not understand this truth miley cyrus herve leger, which goes more of the baby, someone else will eventually become a foregone conclusion!

22, rabbit anxious bite, do not give opponents into just never on the road. Du espionage, to put him a path. If only one of the nothing content, such as plug Shuxue who do all the path are stuffed, then all good things all carry bite. To eradicate evil, put an end to the villain, there should be to rehabilitate them to stay a way out. If forcing the other party no place like the rats are able to block the export of escape, it will be in desperate circumstances all the good things all the bite you bad. Because of this reason, the underdog can not play, pounced to be anxious to play with you desperately. Tottering foe not to chase, because the crushed worm, dying, will you cause unnecessary harm. How to get to understand this basic common sense. Leave a way out to the other side, you benefit from the infinite. Some people like adding insult to injury, wipe out, the results of it, never to kill the opponent without a break, their foothold but more and more narrow.
soldiers who set the resurrection. This principle is very easy to understand, if we pushed the enemy dead end, do not see a little hope, but they will be drastic, with the death in us a break. At this time the enemy is all the Tigers, all of them backs against the wall. We want to win the war can not be so easy! Even if the final win, has to pay a heavy price, without any benefits.

the business field as well. Gensheng president of Mengniu, said: forced to run away, they often own the mothers, or even lose the cleaners. Nowhere to go because the other side, when bound like a rabbit kicking eagle, to the crazy strategy fatal blow to us! Thus, even if we win the match, and he is Shangdebuqing. In this case, it is hardly a victory, but the defeat of the unbeaten.

Shanghai has a trading company owner, business particularly severe, the use of large group of local monopolies. His favorite poem, Mao Zedong's Shot sinister, spare no pains, so the expansion quickly.

However, this offended many people, especially those who have lost the current way of getting money, they can not find another way out of the people. In this business is flourishing, reached its peak of fame when he defeated some of the opponents to collect his investment in a collusion, the evidence of secret operations, reporting to the Economic Investigation Department. This high-handed full business empire, and thus an instant burst of collapse.

acted, this principle applies. We always ran into all sorts of people, many people may be exposed weaknesses and mistakes, this time pressing harder and harder if you seize the mistakes of others blow in the end, do not give a little face, do not give each other a little grace. In this way, the other will be tit for tat with you, decorum skin fight in the end, not his death is your death! Not only do you not normal between friends, and could become a generation of enemies. This is to expand your circle of contacts is very negative, this will seriously affect your future career development.

we must know how to For those who have no injury affected much of the small errors, it should be generous enough to give each other space to correct an adjustment, if necessary, even help each other to cover it. As a result, you gain not only the heartfelt gratitude, as well as the support of people dead!
23, the last one, if you want to succeed, we must go hand in hand with people. Otherwise, you will easily be eaten. Stock of the situation, is another to be successful.
I have a friend, he is such a figure, no background, no backing, with mighty good man, so, although he was eager to make contributions, they hope to do some meaningful things, but, although he was very hard, very motivated, every day, reading, thinking, and always looking for opportunities and continue to progress, however due to go it alone, a person's power is limited. He refused to curry favor with the elite, but under the so-called triad with disdain with a knot, so the opportunity to really play a very difficult case of energy. Despite his good fair, he's knowledgeable, so many people are willing to make friends with him, whether or underworld elite. But he is because he's self-esteem, he's aloof, he's willing to work with people to maintain a certain distance, so that it gives people a deep sense of Ayutthaya, are weak, so the cause is often a passive operation, it is difficult to achieve the height of his own design.

a person you want to succeed in this troubled world, if you do not very powerful father and brother, no background, no financial and material resources, there is no unique advantage, you are little people, little people and people generally know how to climb, because they understand that little people, only with some forces to form groups to compete to be eaten. The little things were the most taboo aloof and self-esteem, self-esteem and aloof, you will make everything possible to help you stay away from friends or allies successful career. Otherwise, you have only the fate of being eaten. Such people, in a few decades ago can be successful in today, it is difficult.
This is our ancestors taught us: the fitters that JJ!

